Trademark Registration is the very necessary for every business startup as it secures the brand Name of the Business or its products. Trademark is an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), if secured then it can be proved as an valuable asset. For every new business, invention, uniqueness trademark is very important. Trademark registration is a very good investment. Business name is 100% protected with Trademark Registration. Trademarking grants the complete security of a Brand and no once can copy it. Trademark Registration builds your company’s identity and Aura.
Trademark Search
If you have chosen a Brand Name for your Business/Company then you have to do the first step is, do Trademark Search, if the trademark is available completely then you can go ahead with the process. Trademarking Search is very important as it gives the clear idea whether it is going to get registered or not.
If the Trademark Search is done properly, after filing the TM Application chances minimum or no Hurdles.
Registration of a Trademark
It takes around 8-10 months for a completely positive Brand Name. Registration of a Trademark goes through various steps firm filing the Application to Examination Report Issuance,
to Objection Reply if it Strikes, Acceptance and Advertised, or clearing the opposition if it strikes. then it is registered.
when you get the Certificate of Register of a Trademark, then you have the whole authority towards you, and from that moment no one can use the same trademark.
can take the legal action against them. the certificate is valid across India and no one can copy your Trademark
Private Limited
Private Limited Company is the Prestigious company registration in india as it is registered in the MCA ie Ministry of Corporate Affair’s. To expand the Business across the world, making the PVT LTD is the perfect choice.
It has the Limited Liability means no one can touch the personal belongings or assets of the shareholders or promotors.
Pvt Ltd Company
Pvt Ltd Company has the Lowest taxes than the Proprietor company. it gives the recognition in the market.
Trademark has 2 types. First type is Wordmark and Second is Device Mark. in Wordmark category, only the Brand Name is registered not the Logo.
In Device Category, the Logo and the Brand Name both are registered. but, the logo must contain the same content of word. and the logo must be unique, must not be copy of other brand.
if found, then the trademark gets refused or rejected.

trademark registration